I previously wrote about the "
Explanation of Certain Names Used in this Book Lemegeton". I glossed over the portion of the "explanations" about the Hexagram and Pentagram of Solomon. After a
forum thread at evocationmagic.com, I decided to look more closely at both the "explanation" and the Pentagram of Solomon.
In the following table you will see "The Explanation of the two triangles in the Parchment". The two "triangles" referred to are the Hexagram and Pentagram of Solomon. In the left column are the words from the Hexagram and Pentagram being "explained" by the words in the right column. Under the words as they appear in the manuscript I have included the words that appear in the Mathers/Crowley version. I have colored alternate rows for easier reading.
The Explanation of the two triangles in the Parchment
and Omega |
O great God who art the beginning and the end who was before all
Eternity and ever shall be
version reads:
Thou, O great God, Who art the beginning and the end: |
Tetragrammaton |
God of mighty power be ever present with us to guard us and protect us
and let thy holy presence be now and always with us
Thou God of Almighty power, be ever present with us to guard and
protect us, and let Thy Holy Spirit and presence be now and always with
us: |
Soluzen |
command thou spirit of what Region soever thou art to come into this
I command thee, thou Spirit, of whatsoever region thou art, to come
unto this circle: |
Halliza |
Appear in human shape
And appear in human shape: |
Bellator or Bellaton |
speak to us audably in our mother tongue
And speak unto us audibly in our mother-tongue: |
Bollonoy or Bellony |
shew and discover to us all treasures that thou knowest of or that is
in thy keeping and deliver it to us quietly
And show, and discover unto us all treasure that thou knowest of, or
that is in they keeping, and deliver it unto us quietly: |
Halli. Hra. |
answer us all such questions as we shall demand without any defect now
at this time
And answer all such questions as we may demand without any defect now
at this time. |
Alpha and Omega
can be found in the Hexagram of Solomon. This is the Beginning and End of the Greek alphabet.
Wikipedia Entry:
is found in the Hexagram and Pentagram of Solomon. This is, as most people know, the unspeakable four-letter name of God.
Wikipedia entry:
Folger Shakespeare manuscript V.b.26, this word appears as Soluze with a line above the last two letters. That line means there are missing letters.
Can be found with its sigil in the center of the Pentagram. This is possibly a corruption of the name of Solomon or Jerusalem. Here you see the seal of Jerusalem
(Image snagged from
Although the seal directly above is dated to the second century, it was in use for several hundred years, including the second temple period. That's the period we start seeing stories of exorcisms and rings handed down by Solomon.
Jerusalem and Solomon contain the same root word, SLM.
Although the word
SHAMIR does not appear in this "explanation" or the pentagram in this grimoire, it should be noted that if you omit the Lamed from the seal of Jerusalem above and read from the letter Sin, you will see why this word became part of this legend.
Jerusalem: Yud Resh Shin (Lamed) Mem
Shamir: Shin Mem Yud Resh
is in the Pentagram with its sigil.
is spelled Ballaton or Ballator in the Pentagram of Solomon. With the grimoiric obsession with creating words with the "Aton" suffix, I am leaning in favor of Ballaton. Note the "name" begins with
Bal or Bel, meaning "master".
This "Aton" is likely Beleth,
the 13th spirit of the Goetia of Solomon. Of Belleth (or Beleth or Bileth or Bilet or Ballat) the Goetia of Solomon Says:
The 13 spirit is called Beleth, he is a mighty
king and terrable, ridding on a pale horse wth Trumpets and
all other kinds of Musicall Instruments playing before him, he is very
furious at his first apperance That is whilest ye Exorcist
allay his Courage, for to doe that, he must hold a hazel stick
in his hand, streched forth towards ye South & East quarters
making a Triangle without ye Circle, commanding him into it by
ye vertue of ye Bonds & chaines of spirits
hereafter following, & if he doe not come into ye
by your Threats, rehearse
ye Bounds & chaines before him, and then he will yeild
obediance and come into it and do what he is commanded by ye
Eorcist [Exorcist], yet he must receive him courteously, because he is
a great king & doe homage to him, as the kings and princes doe
that attend him, and you must [also] have allwayes a silver Ring on the
middle finger of the left hand, held against your face as they do for Amaimon,
This king Beleth causeth all ye love that possible may be, both of
Men and women till ye Master Eorcist [Exorcist] hath had his
mind fullfilled &c. he is of the order of Powers and governeth 85
Legions of [102v] spirits, his Noble seal is this wch is to be
worne before you in the Time of working.
Balath's Noble or greater seal is given in the text and his lesser seal appears in the Pentagram of Solomon.
Hebrew of Dr. Rudd has the name Beth-Lamed-Aleph-Tau.
is in the Pentagram with its sigil. This name is spelled Bellonoy in the "explanation" and Bellony in the Pentagram of Solomon. Bellony is more likely. As with Bellatar, Bellany's name begins with Bel. I believe that in Hebrew his name may be spelled Beth-Lamed-Lamed-Vav-Nun-Yud. If you use these letters to trace a sigil over the kamea of Mercury (use the one with the Hebrew letters!), you will get something like this:
Most sigils these days begin with a circle and terminate with a little cross-line. As you can see from the image above, Agrippa (and the creators of the grimoires) had no such strict rules. Compare the sigil I have drawn above to the sigil of Bellony as it appears in the
Like the Lesser Seal appearing in the Hexagram of Solomon, Bellony's sigil has been degraded and reversed. Compare these two versions of this sigil (
UPDATE: Find out more about this "sigil" here:
Another manuscript shows the sigil of Bellony more clearly:
The sigil seems to not include the final 'Y' or Yud. That leaves us Bal-LVN (Lord or master of the Levites), suggesting a Lord and possibly a connection to the Levites or priests of the Temple of Solomon.
Alternately, LVN
could be Lamed-Beth-Nun, which means "white".
is written (as Hally) in the Pentagram along with its sigil.
is written in the Pentagram along with its sigil. ABDIA does not appear in the "explanation". Abdia is another way of writing
Obadiah. In V.b.26, the name is written Abdiah.
This post is more like notes for myself and I will probably return to it from time to time to see if I can make more progress.